如今在TrinityFSA 店內,我们将提供独特的服务,将电动按摩床与整骨医生结合起来,这将大大提高疗效,缩短治疗周期,降低价格!

Structure: Acupressure + Moxibustion + far infrared vibration
功能結構等於指壓按摩+ 加艾灸+加遠紅外震動
Has 3 functions of acupressure, heating & far-infrared vibration therapy. It is suitable for treating various pain symptoms caused by spinal problems, as well as diabetes, high blood pressure and sub-healthy people. Buying a bed is equivalent to a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. , masseuse, beautician invited home together! 3H按摩床兼有溫熱、指壓按摩、遠紅外線震動治療等功能,適宜治療因脊柱問題導致的各種痛症,以及糖尿病、高血壓和亞健康人群,購買一張床,相當於把中醫師、按摩師、美容師一起請到了家!
62 acupressure rods of aluminum brass alloy that are heated by internal pipe heater for FIR thermal moxibustion and massage with temperature setting controllable 50°F – 158°F, or 10°C- 70°C.62根鋁黃銅合金針壓棒,由內部管道加熱器加熱,用於遠紅外線熱灸和按摩,溫度設置可控制50°F - 158°F,或10°C- 70°C。
Massaging ergonomically along with spinal curvature, by lifting the rods vertically and moving horizontally, pressing 18 acupressure points on the two sides of spine, performing moxibustion at the same time. 顺着脊椎曲度进行人体工学按摩,並指壓按摩脊椎兩側的18个穴位,同时施以熱灸。
The mattress is composed of hexagonal ceramic pieces fired at 1300 degrees from 80 kinds of natural mineral powder. When heated, it emits natural far-infrared rays, and cooperates with acupressure and vibration to clear the toxins blocked in the body. 床墊由80種天然礦石粉在1300度下燒製的六角形陶片組成。加熱時能發放天然遠紅外線,配合指壓與震動,清理體內淤塞的毒素
Certified as a Safe Medical Device by Korea FDA, widely used in hospital clinic and home. Bearable body weight up to 135 kg. 被韓國 FDA 認證為安全醫療設備,被醫院、診所和家庭廣泛使用。 可承受體重達 135 公斤.
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